1. General Provisions
1.1. This public contract (hereinafter referred to as the Offer) is an official offer of the IMAGINATION SCHOOL LLP (Contractor) to third parties and contains all the essential conditions for the Contractor to provide access to the course materials.
1.2. In accordance with UK law, in case of acceptance of the conditions set forth below and payment for access, the person making the acceptance of this Offer becomes the User (the acceptance of an offer is tantamount to concluding an agreement on the conditions set forth in the offer), and the Contractor and the User jointly - the Parties to the Agreement.
1.3. The text of the Offer is available to potential Users at: https://www.imagination.education/oferta.
2. Terms and definitions
Offer - this offer, containing all the essential conditions, aimed at concluding an agreement on the specified conditions with any person who has expressed the intention to accept.
Offer acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance of this Offer by making payment.
Site - an Internet resource containing complete information about the Courses.
Course - a set of author's materials, including video materials, teaching materials, assignments and other information, united by one topic selected by the User, as well as consulting support, personal verification of homework by the Curator, issuance of a certificate.
Content - information contained in the Course, including, but not limited to, audiovisual works, graphic or text modules, video materials, files, access to which is provided to Users.
User - a person who accepted the Offer and actually uses the Content provided by the Contractor.
Access - the ability of the User to view the Course materials in accordance with the rules, restrictions and technical requirements specified in this Offer.
Trial access - a period of time set by the Contractor, during which the User, for a fee determined by the Contractor, familiarizes himself with the Course and the functionality of access to the Content. As part of promotions and other events, the Contractor may use other terms to refer to the Trial Access, for example, "Promo period", "X days for free", "X days as a gift", "7 days - US$ X", etc. d. All of the above terms have the same meaning as the term "Trial Access".
Curator - a representative of the Contractor, who provides consulting support to the User, monitors the process of work and the correct execution of tasks by the User within the framework of the Course.
The Offer may use terms not defined in this section of the Offer. In these cases, the interpretation of the terms is made in accordance with the text and meaning of this Offer.
3. Subject of the Offer
3.1. In accordance with this Agreement, the Contractor, subject to the Users complying with the terms of this Offer and making a payment determined by the Contractor, provides Users with access to the Course materials.
3.2. All provisions of this Offer apply both to the Course as a whole and to individual lessons included in the Course, which can be divided and used separately, including during the Trial Access period.
3.3. The User confirms that, prior to the acceptance, he has read all the terms of this Offer, fully and unconditionally accepts them, and also received from the Contractor full information about access to the Course materials, including cost, types, terms, order of receipt.
3.4. To use the Content, the User is obliged in the manner prescribed by this Agreement to comply with the terms of this Offer. The moment of acceptance of the Offer by the User confirms the conclusion of the Agreement between the Contractor and the User, as a result of which the Parties acquire the rights and obligations provided for by this Offer.
3.5. All information that is the content of the Content is not educational in the sense contained in the law "On Educational Activities", the use of which is not accompanied by the assignment of any qualification.
4. Acceptance of the Offer
4.1. The moment of full and unconditional acceptance by the User of the Contractor's proposal to conclude an agreement (acceptance of the Offer) is the fact that the User has paid for the Trial Access.
4.2. By accepting this Offer, the User warrants to the Contractor that:
- I have read and accepts all the terms of the Offer in the form in which they are set forth in the text of this Offer, including, I have read and unconditionally agrees with all the conditions related to the cost and terms of the Trial Access, the conditions for automatic renewal of access to the Course (hereinafter referred to as auto-renewal);
- provided reliable data, including, but not limited to, the User's personal data;
- has the appropriate powers necessary for the conclusion and execution of this Offer;
- the information provided by the User in any form as part of the execution of this Offer does not violate and does not entail a violation of the current legislation and / or the rights of third parties.
4.3. By accepting this Offer, the User expresses his consent to the processing (including collection, systematization, accumulation, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution, destruction, indefinite storage) of personal data belonging to the User and transmitted personal data solely for the execution of the Offer, as well as for using them for the purpose of sending mailing lists, notifications, informational news and offers of the Contractor via e-mail, messages on social networks and SMS messages.
5. Cost of access to the Course and payment procedure.
5.1. The actual cost of access to the Course, the cost of Trial access, the cost of auto-renewal, as well as other conditions related to providing access to the Course (Course modules) are determined and contained in the Course program posted in the site.
5.2. Payment for access to the Course is carried out in the following order:
- payment for the Trial Access in the amount established by the Course program is carried out by the User after familiarization and confirms unconditional agreement with all the terms of the Offer and the Course program.
- payment for access to the first module of the Course (4 topics) in the amount established by the course program is carried out by debiting funds on the basis of auto-renewal of access to the course materials, on the penultimate / last day of the paid Trial access;
- payment for access to the second module of the Course (4 topics) in the amount established by the program of the Course, by means of debiting funds on the basis of auto-renewal of access to the Course materials 90 days after the paid first course module.
5.3. The User agrees that if at the time of debiting the User's account does not have enough funds for the next write-off of the cost of access to the Course materials (Course module), then the Contractor has the right to write off a lower cost with the provision of access to the Course materials in an amount proportional to payment. The Contractor reserves the right, in case of initial unsuccessful debiting of the amount for providing access, to repeated attempts to debit the required amount until the User disables auto-renewal. In case of insufficient funds, the Contractor has the right to suspend or disable access to the Course from the day following the last day of the paid period.
5.4. Payment is made in the following way:
- by non-cash transfer of funds;
- electronic money;
- in other ways not prohibited by law in agreement with the Contractor.
5.5. Ensuring security and confidentiality in settlements between the User and the Contractor under this Offer, regardless of the method of payment, is provided by third parties, namely electronic money operators and banks on the basis of agreements concluded by the Contractor with such third parties.
5.6. Payment for access is considered made from the moment the funds are credited to the Contractor's settlement account or the Contractor's electronic wallet.
6. Conditions and procedure for granting access
6.1. Access to the Course materials is carried out in accordance with the course program with the provision of Trial access to the content. After reviewing the information about the duration and cost of the Trial Access, the User makes a payment, after which a valid link is sent to his e-mail address, which is access to the Content.
6.2. Upon expiration of the Trial Access, the User is automatically granted access to the first module of the Course. By agreeing to the Trial Access, the User expresses his consent to the auto-renewal of access to the Course modules and the corresponding payment in the manner specified in clause 5.2. of this Offer.
6.3. The user has the right to turn off the automatic renewal option at any time. Access to the Course for this User is terminated from the day following the last day of the paid period.
6.4. The duration of the course, including consulting support - 6 months, of which: 1 module - 3 months, 2 module - 3 months.
The duration of the User's access to the Content of the paid course module is not limited.
6.5. Granting access is limited to the right to view the Content for personal use.
6.6. The obligations of the Contractor are considered rendered from the moment of providing access to the course materials. At the same time, sending a link to the e-mail address specified by the User is considered the proper execution of this Offer by the Contractor. In turn, the User independently bears the burden of responsibility and the risk of consequences associated with non-fulfillment (including partial) of their obligations to familiarize themselves with the Content.
6.7. During the entire Course, the User performs the necessary tasks on his own and sends the result of the completed homework to the Curator. Checking homework is carried out by the Curator only during the period of consulting support.
6.8. Upon completion of the Course, the User has the right to receive a Certificate of Completion of the Course, subject to the successful and proper completion of all homework provided for by the Course during the period of consulting support. In case of violation of these conditions, the issuance of the Certificate is not provided.
6.9. The course completion certificate is sent to the e-mail specified by the User.
7. Rights and obligations of the parties
7.1. The user undertakes:
7.1.1. Strictly and unconditionally comply with the terms of this Offer, including, but not limited to, paying for access to the Course (Course module) in the manner prescribed by this Offer, as well as ensuring the availability of funds on the current account, in the amount of the cost of the Course module payable, to the moment the payment for auto-renewal is charged.
7.1.2. Independently ensure the possibility of gaining access to the Contractor's Course on their part, namely:
- proper internet access;
- availability of software compatible with the transfer of information from the Contractor and other necessary means.
7.1.3. Do not use the information received from the Contractor in ways that may lead or will lead to damage to the interests of the Contractor.
7.1.4. Do not distribute in any way, including, but not limited to, third parties, do not copy, save, post, publish in public, closed, open sources for any circle of persons (including for your own use) provided by the Contractor : information, materials, manuals, recordings, videos, etc. received as part of the Course. Do not use the materials provided by the Contractor for the purpose of making a profit by replicating and reproducing them (publications in the press and other publications, public speaking, etc.) and in other ways.
7.1.5. Properly perform the necessary tasks and strictly follow the instructions when performing tasks.
7.2. The User has the right to use access to the paid Content indefinitely, while the period for granting access may be limited by the Contractor on the grounds set forth in this Offer.
7.3. The Contractor undertakes to support the filling of the Content, eliminate errors in the operation of the Site that arose through the fault of the Contractor
7.4. The contractor has the right:
7.4.1. Determine the structure and content of the Course program (Trial Access, Course module), at its sole discretion, change, move or delete any published information, any elements and components of the Content.
7.4.2. Suspend, restrict or terminate the User's access to all or any of the sections of the Course, as well as consulting support unilaterally at any time, with or without prior notice, without being responsible for any harm that may be caused to the User by such action, in the event violation by the User of the terms of this Offer, as well as if the User otherwise abuses his rights. In the event of termination of access, the responsibility for canceling access to the Course rests with the User.
7.4.3. Carry out promotional marketing activities of a different nature (hereinafter referred to as Promotions) in order to motivate Users, attract new users and increase the rating of the Site. Within the framework of the promotion, its participants who meet the requirements established by the organizers of the promotion and who have completed the actions specified in the conditions of the promotion within the agreed period, receive certain privileges from the Contractor or third parties - incentive prizes / gifts, discounts on access to the Content, etc.).
7.4.4. Send messages to Users, incl. through telecommunication networks containing organizational and technical, as well as other information materials of the Contractor.
7.4.5. At any time, change this Offer unilaterally, without obtaining the consent of the User.
7.4.6. If necessary, engage third parties at its own discretion in order to provide access under this Offer.
8. Exclusive rights
8.1. The exclusive and copyright rights to all materials of the Content, access to which is provided to the User, belong to the Contractor and are protected by the legislation of the UK on intellectual property and international law.
8.2. Being the Copyright Holder, the Contractor warns the User that for violation of copyright and other rights of copyright holders, liability arises in accordance with the current legislation of the UK.
9. Responsibility of the parties. Disclaimer
9.1. The Parties are liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this Offer in accordance with the current legislation of the UK.
9.2. In the event of a breach of the obligation under par. 7.1.3, 7.1.4. of the Offer, the User undertakes to compensate the Contractor for all losses incurred, including lost income, which the Contractor would have received under normal conditions of civil circulation if his right had not been violated (lost profit), and also to pay the Contractor a fine in the amount of 10 times the cost of access to course.
9.3. The Contractor is not responsible for the impossibility of providing access by the Contractor / obtaining access by the User, if such impossibility arose as a result of a disruption in the telecommunications and energy networks of third parties, the actions of malicious programs, as well as unfair actions of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and (or) withdrawal from building software and (or) hardware, software, as well as for reasons depending on the User.
9.4. The Contractor is not responsible and the User does not have the right to make claims if the User's expectations about the quality and possibilities of access and / or Content were not justified.
9.5. Any claims of the User are considered only on the basis of a justified written claim sent to the Contractor in electronic form at the address specified in clause 10.10 of this Offer. The term for consideration of the claim is 14 working days.
9.6. In the event of a dispute, the Parties will take all possible means to resolve it. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute, the Parties submit it for resolution to the court, at the location of the Contractor.
10. Other terms
10.1. This Offer is valid from the moment of its acceptance and is valid until the Parties of this Agreement fully fulfill their obligations.
10.2. The offer does not require sealing and / or signing by the User and the Contractor, while maintaining full legal force.
10.3. In the event that any of the provisions of this Offer is invalid by law, it will be considered excluded, while the remaining terms of the Offer will remain in force.
10.4. The Contractor has the right to unilaterally, without prior agreement with the User, change the terms of this Offer, which come into force from the moment a new version of the Offer or changes to the Offer is posted, unless a different date for the entry into force of changes is specified additionally in the text of the publication. At the same time, the User independently bears the burden of checking for changes to this Offer. The current version of the Public Offer is available at: www.imagination.education/oferta
10.5. Continued use of access after changing the current terms of the Offer will be considered as acceptance of the changes made. In case of disagreement with the change in the terms of the Offer, the User sends a request to the Contractor to terminate access to the Course. The actual termination of access is carried out according to the rules established by clause 6.3. of this Offer. The receipt by the Contractor of the requirement is considered the User's refusal to further execute the Offer.
10.6. The Offer may be terminated ahead of schedule by agreement of the Parties at any time by signing an agreement to terminate the Offer. In this case, the date of termination of the Offer is the date of signing the said agreement. The agreement can be formalized in the form of an exchange of letters, according to which the will of each of the Parties to terminate the Offer follows, as well as the procedure for disposing of funds is determined and agreed.
10.7. The User has the right to terminate the Agreement and refuse to provide access and from auto-renewal of access to the Course materials at any time in the manner provided for in clause 6.3. of this Offer.
10.8. The User is not entitled to terminate the Agreement and/or demand a refund of the cost of paid access to the Course for any reason after the start of providing access to the Content.
10.9. The Contractor has the right to terminate the Agreement and terminate access if the User violates the terms of this Offer, including those provided for in clause 7.1. of this Offer.
10.10. For all questions, claims, requirements, Users can contact the email address: help@imagination.education.